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1 Timothy 6:6


But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.

1 Timothy 6:6

"Godliness is the ability to adopt God's vantage point. This means just as we acknowledge how he sees others, we embrace how he sees us. Contentment and being truly comfortable in your own skin won't breed complacency; they will release creativity!"

I pulled this from a book titled Without Rival by Lisa Bevere. I just started this alongside some women for a study. Just a few pages in and I was underlining and noting these truths.

I noted this one not only for myself but for someone dear to me. As I processed this I realized that it might be more common to ask the Lord for His eyes when it comes to loving the people close to us. How often do we ask Him to reveal how he views us in a more personal prayer. When we ask the Lord to give us eyes to see ourselves the way He does we submit to His perfect view of us as His children.

Identity is instilled and we begin to see the smallest of things that makes us unique. We see how the Lord fashioned us to be who we are. From our tiny quirks, gifting's, and personalities to how we operate as individuals. As we see ourselves through his lens we are unapologetically ourselves. Insecurities fade away and I'd like to think we are given a new boldness to Minister from our unique qualities.

An application to take away would be to maybe ask your friends what they think your gifting are as well as asking the Lord to give you His eyes to see you the way He does. Pray that for a week and watch as he starts to change your perspective. You will no longer view yourself through this lens of how you perceive yourself. There will be freedom from lies we believed about ourselves that we once carried till we removed ourselves from our Identity. Lets start fighting for ourselves taking back our identity.

My prayer for you

Father, thank you for this truth and reminding us of our unique qualities. Would you give us your eyes to see ourselves the way you do. Restore identity, help us to operate from those unique gifting. Give us opportunities to minister from that place, from our identity in you. Teach us to fight for ourselves from the place of victory. Free us from our small thinking and increase our capacity to dream big with you again. Our desire is to be who you created us to be. In Jesus Holy and precious name amen.

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