I just attended a women's conference in where I found refreshment that was much needed. These are some notes from a session with Liz Turner a pastor at Hillsong church Kansas City.
I feel I have been walking in a place of stolen joy so this sermon came at the best time. I wanted to share some notes that stuck with me. It's possible this sermon will soon be on Youtube via Citizen church Albuquerque. Here are some notes, I hope you find some refreshment with tangible ways to see your joy restored.
Joy beyond yourself.
JOY: the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of our lives, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.
As we make the choice to praise the Lord in every situation our trauma turns into triumph.
Philippians 2:1-11
Hebrews 12:2
. . . He focused on the Joy that was set before Him.
Walking in biblical joy takes focus. . the right focus.
We need to look at and ask ourselves
On a more shallow scale these are very personal to each of us. There could be many things that fill us up and drain us it looks different from person to person. If we get alone and think about these things or ask Holy Spirit what it looks like. There are a few things we can look at on a deeper internal level.
Fighting for self over surrender.
Faking it till you make it
Focusing on the external move than the internal.
Growing in humility
Cultivating aggressive gratitude
Building authentic relationships
-Aggressive gratitude "Thank you Lord for the trials and growth, thank you Lord for that opportunity, thank you Lord for your promises, thank you Lord for providing for me int the middle of chaos." Thanking Him in everything.
When we're in a waiting period for these things to come to fruition we shouldn't wonder when it's coming but worship in the middle of the waiting.
We thank Him in all things and the atmosphere changes. We step out of a place of hurt, wandering, anxiety, fear, distrust and step into joy.
Acts 2:28
You have made known to me the ways of life;
you will fill me [infusing my soul] with joy with your presence. (AMP)
In His presence there is fullness of joy. We get to choose His presence or our present circumstance.
My Prayer for you
Father, thank you for restoring our joy. Lord help us to grow in humility, to cultivate aggressive gratitude, thank you in everything all day every day. Lead us to authentic relationships that will build us up guiding is to joy fillers. We fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith. In Jesus' Holy and precious name amen.
