Don't you know? Haven't you been listening? Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God, the Creator of all you can see and imagine! He never gets weary or worn out. His intelligence is unlimited; he is never puzzled over what to do!
Isaiah 40:28
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
Revelation 22:13
Something I've been thanking the Lord for in prayer is how constant he is. We are growing, and circumstances in life are ever changing but the Lord does not change. I think I fully grasped this truth just a few days ago. I sat with it and thought on who he is as Creator. He is the beginning and the end. He is in the in between. He never changes. We can trust that he will always be there for us, his heart for us never changes. There is nothing we can do that would cause him to go away. The father chooses us always and forever.
How wonderful to know someone who is unchanging. It's easy for us to cling to the friends or family around us but the hard truth is just as things fade so do people and these relationships. Going to the father with our every need; small to big He will always be there. He wants to be there for us. His thoughts are not like ours, nor does he have the same carnal thinking or emotions. He remains at all times even when we haven't made him our first choice.
I want you to be able to fully understand this truth about our everlasting God. Recall moments in your life when you needed him or a time when you chose to run to him before anyone else. If you can't remember spend some time asking him to show you where he was in those moments. This will birth revelation of how infinite he is. Knowing this part of who he is so wild I love it! I'm so thankful he further revealed this part of him to me a new way. I hope this truth deepens your relationship with him.
My prayer for you
Lord I am so thankful that you are always. you are constant. you are everlasting. Thank you for staying the same day after day. Life comes with so many challenges and we are so thankful that you are always there to pick us up. Thank you for choosing us day after day. Lord reveal more of your character to us. We want to choose in during the day, in the evening and when we lay our heads down. As you reveal more of yourself to us it causes such a beautiful draw to you deepening our relationship with you. We want to draw near to you as you draw near to us. Thank you Lord for this truth today. In Jesus Holy and precious name