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Isaiah 43:19

Updated: May 11, 2021

I am doing something brand new, something unheard of.

Even now it sprouts and grows and matures.

Don’t you perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness

and open up flowing streams in the desert.

Some history from commentary as we look at this verse in Isaiah:

The Israelites had wearied God with their sin and disobedience, but God is faithful and promises once again to care for them and provide for them. Before he had rescued them from Egypt, parting waters, but in this portion of scripture He has a new portion for them. He begins to reveal to them the salvation to come by Jesus. There is evidence all around that God is working, the events occurring agreeing with the Word and our faith. He is making a way in the wilderness at that time was symbolic to the outpouring to the Holy Spirit to come. Holy Spirit allows us to abide in Christ and walk by faith in obedience to Him.

"He never changes, but as he reveals deeper and deeper layers of truth, His people experience aspects of God and His salvation in brand ways and depths."

What hope can we take for ourselves from what God spoke to this people group for such a specific time? When we grow weary in our endeavors to walk out what life has for us we can look to the Father who is steadfast. We have an assurance that when He tells us He is "working" and "doing" He is. In the middle of victory or even defeat He is working something new. It doesn't matter where our gaze is fixed as we walk in faith there is evidence that He is working. If we take this verse and "adapt" it to our lives we are reminded that the Lord is always bringing about something new for us that is for our good. We can also look at it within the context of that point in History that salvation will come by a savior to pay the debt of sin by death. Soon after Holy Spirit will come as our helper to lead us back to the Savior and walk the way we should. We're brought back to the Gospel what greater hope is there? None, we are brought back to the gospel we get to settle in His truth.

Wherever you are, however your relationship with the Lord looks, as you live and walk in faith. . . He is doing something new. Look closely and see where He is working and get ready for what ever comes next. The Lord is so merciful and loving even when we are caught up in sin and disobedience as we repent and turn to Him, He chooses us right away with blessings in His hands ready to release them.

The commentary and wisdom in this devotional came from

My prayer for you

Father, Thank you for a reminder of the gospel all throughout scripture. You are working something new in each of our lives, Help us to see where you are moving and working. Our gaze to be fixed on you in our victories and our moments of defeat. We put our hope and trust in you. In Jesus Holy and precious name


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