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Jesus Calling: Safe and Secure


I was skimming through the Jesus Calling 365 Devotionals for kids by Sarah Young and found that the one I read seemed kind of perfect during this time. It seems to partner well with some conversations I've had with different people over the last few months. I wanted to share that here. I think I've share the Jesus Calling Devotional here before, I personally love the kids version. Here it is, I hope you find some encouragement from it as well.

Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. -Psalm 139:10

You want to feel safe and secure. You say your trust Me, but in your private thoughts, you are still trying to fix your world so that you feel that it is safe and predictable. Not only is this an impossible goal, but it actually makes you less safe and secure.

True safety and security are found only in Me—in depending on My Presence. When your world seems unsteady and scary, grab My hand. I will hold tightly to you and keep you safe.

Instead of searching for a problem-free life, be glad that you have troubles. In the darkness of your trouble, you can see the brightness of My Face more clearly. This helps you feel closer to me.

So hold tightly to My hand, confident that today's problems have a purpose. And remember—you have an eternity of trouble-free living just waiting for you in heaven.

Read on your own: Isaiah 41:10; James 1:2

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