But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.
Mathew 6:6 (TPT)
Taking time to pray is really important.
Praying before we start our day, before we begin reading the word, or maybe before you have a conversation with someone. We pray many prayers all day long, ones that petition and intercede. How often do you pray for yourself? More so how often do you spend time asking the Lord to teach you something new, or places you need to grow in?
Lets make time this week to pause and be intentional with our prayers.
Asking the Father to bring more revelation and how to live the way He wants us to live.
Lately as I dig in to the word I feel like my mindset is different, I'm hoping to walk away with more application. I feel like I've been in this refining fire kind of season for so long where I'm rooting myself deeper but feeling like it's time to really put forth the effort. Applying what I am learning in my day to day. This is also prompting me to step into praying bigger prayers for myself and those around me who have also stepped away from identity without realizing it.
The challenge this week is to pray for ourselves with the intention to let go and receive more Identity. Get alone with the Father and be still with him only asking Him "what do you want to reveal to me?" wait on Him and watch as he starts to show you more of himself and what He desires for your life.
My Prayer for you
Father, would you reveal more to us. We would make time to be still in your presence asking for more. Come meet with us give us new dreams, new purpose, new calling. Give us clarity where it is needed. Take us deeper, show us how you love us. We desire more of you and less of us. take us on a journey of letting go and getting lost in you.
