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Peace in the storm

So they shook him awake, saying, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are all about to die!” Fully awake, he rebuked the storm and shouted to the sea, “Hush! Be still!” All at once the wind stopped howling and the water became perfectly calm.

Then he turned to his disciples and said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?” But they were overwhelmed with fear and awe and said to one another, “Who is this man who has such authority that even the wind and waves obey him?”

Mark 4:39

In the midst of a raging storm Jesus slept peacefully only to be awakened by the disciples full of fear. Even after awaking and seeing the state they were in with calm demeanor Jesus spoke to the sea to be still. This example of courage and boldness over fear to face the storm.

"You only have power over the storm that you have peace in." Bill Johnson

The "storms" of life will come and go it's our ability to stand in peace against the war in front of us that triumphs over the assignment sent to destroy us. Being called to live a life according to the will of God marks us as His children a royal priesthood. This also marks us for spiritual warfare. The main attack of the enemy is

to steal away our identity. He wants to destroy us taking away our peace and planting fear. When the seed of fear is watered it consumes and we are removed from our identity in Christ. We forget who we are, we no longer operate in our calling and gifting. Our peace is stolen as we become crippled by fear.

"courage manifested through peace is a powerful weapon of warfare." (supernatural ways of royalty)

Trusting God to lead through the storm produces peace in us. We can sleep during the storm remaining calm in the midst of opposition. As we learn to do this the plans of the enemy can fall to the ground we can rise up and speak to the raging seas of our lives to calm because the Lord has, is and will take care of us. Before you allow yourself to become full of worry recognize what is happening and surrender it to the Father. Let His peace wash over you.

The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Romans 16:20

My Prayer for you

Father would our gaze be fixe on you in the midst of a storm, there would be a supernatural peace in the middle of it that we can sleep as we trust you to take control. As we rest in you and find renewed strength calling us back to our identity. The assignment of the enemy sent to destroy us would not prevail in Jesus name. Lord may we grow in wisdom and knowledge of your word using our sword to quickly stop the plans of the enemy. Thank you for equipping us for warfare fighting from the victory won on the cross. In Jesus Holy and precious name


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