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Press on to transform


Romans 12:2

Stop Imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. (TPT)

"Paul's urgency to the believer not to fashion his life and conduct by those around him even the church friends." From a commentary by Dr. J Vernon McGee

It's interesting because maybe this isn't always our mindset, however believers are also still flawed people with their own thoughts and actions. As believers the way we carry ourselves should reflect Christ. It is an effortless thing to go along with what everyone is saying or doing even if it feels wrong.

Choosing to stand against the "norm" is the result of allowing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It's always good to view scripture form all angles allowing it to bring fresh revelation. It's okay to disagree with what others are doing or saying especially friends who are believers. You can quietly disagree and choose not to participate in a conversation that doesn't feel like it lines up with scripture. We can also correct our friends if we feel prompted to do so or allow the Holy

Spirit to use us to bring His perspective.

My Prayer for You

Father, We thank you always for new revelation that come from your word that is alive and active. In our day to day help us to submit to your transforming power. Would it be seen in our actions and words to one another. Give us wisdom to discern your will for our lives. Prompt us to reveal your perspective to those around us cause us to become sensitive to you Holy Spirit as we study your word. In Jesus Holy and precious name


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