Every scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by it's instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness. Then you will be God's servant, fully mature and perfectly prepared to fulfill any assignment God gives you. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (TPT)
There are quite a few things to unpack from these two verses. When I read it my first thought was "this verse perfectly describes the refreshment we get when we read the word." In fact after I read this I felt like I wanted to dig deeper into these verses.
I think the first part is such a great reminder that, yes the bible was written by people but it was inspired and ultimately written by Holy Spirit. Inspired by God these writers wrote these precepts for us to read and study. The moment we want to get in our heads and think to ourselves how can we believe the word as truth when it was written by people just like ourselves. We tend to embellish stories to intrigue, capture, and move the listener to take on our perspective. The writers of the word didn't think about themselves when writing. They set themselves aside and listened and wrote what the Father wanted his people to know. His goal is for us to better understand Him and have that relationship with Him. He also gives us instruction on how to handle things. We gain wisdom, refreshment, and peace as a bonus to knowing the heart of the Father.
The next part of verse 16 "it will empower you by it's instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction.."
When we read the word so much happens, we want more, we are encouraged, and we start to fill ourselves with truth leaving behind lies and old ways. The word gives life, but the part about empowering us I just have to think about moments when we are overwhelmed or need truth to hold onto or to be reminded of who are and who the Lord is. We gain so much from the word. It's all right there in front of us we just have to find it and root ourselves deep into it. Strengthening ourselves in the word causing us to grow firm in our faith. As we find ourselves there we are preparing ourselves for more. New opportunities to share the gospel, minister to others, or maybe even be prepared for harder things we may not have been able to stand in before. If we are faithful with the little things we are entrusted with while continuing to grow we can be trusted with more.
I am just so thankful for how powerful the word is. It is never changing as we mature in it there are new revelations to be discovered. It breathes life into us. I'm not always good at reading my bible which seems silly because when I do read I am so encouraged and want to spend the whole day reading. Why wouldn't I want to read everyday? Reading just two verses sparked something in me, I hope you find refreshment in the verses shared today.
I want to encourage you to read Psalm 119:33-35 later on today or even later this week.
Take delight in His word this week.
My Prayer for You
Father I am so thankful for your word, that these precepts are mine to glean wisdom from and keep them in my heart ready to take on any assignment you would give. Lord help me to dig deeper and find myself rooted deep in it. Father thank you for giving us something tangible to hold on to. Help us to take delight in your word this week. Lord we want to be lost in your presence. Draw us close today, reveal your heart to us more and more this week. In Jesus precious and Holy name
