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This Love

This love is an everyday kind of love

Every morning I'm in it

This love is an everyday kind of love

Every evening I'm in it

This love doesn't leave me alone

And it never forgets it's own

This love won't leave me cause my past is bad

This love will cast out fear

There is no chain this love cant break

There is no chain this love cant break

These are some lyrics to a song by Housefires called This Love. I was thinking about these lyrics just a few days ago and how sweet it is to know the Love of the Father. His love is so big and is so deep for us. It is so intimate, it knows every part of us. It is not like any other love we have ever experienced. If you really sit with the thought of the love you have experienced, if it be the love of a parent, a friend or a significant other however you have seen love and you compare it to the Love from the Lord it doesn't compare or rise up. His love is all consuming it is constant.

His love doesn't ask us to perform. His love doesn't say "prove yourself to me, show me you are worthy of my love". His love doesn't make us feel alone after we have known it and experienced it. His love doesn't care if you think you aren't good enough. His love is not conditional.

His love is freeing. His love is unending. His love is comfort. His love reminds us of who we are.

One other song I love is called Lean Back by Maverick city and this song is one that I listen to when I feel like I need rest. I listen to it when I feel like I need to posture my heart back to Him. This song also reminds us of the Love of the Father, and how inviting it is. His love is better.

His love is healing

His love is restoring

His love is patient

His love is kind

His love is always present

His love is better

My prayer for you

Father, thank you for this love that is an everyday kind of love. Lord we want to truly taste and see to really walk in this love. Give us moments with you a moment alone to really sit in your love. In those moments of knowing how deep your love is and in going deeper cast out fear. Lord your love is healing it is restoring. Heal what is broken and restore what has been stolen. We want to rest in this love. Thank you for this love that is unlike any love we have experienced. Show us what love is so we can recognize it when it is offered. Our hearts our open come flooding in. Amen.

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