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The Cross

  1. The cross of Jesus Christ is the most important event in all of human history. It has redefined the destiny of mankind. Because of the cross, sinners become saints, the power of sin is broken, intimacy with God is made accessible, Gentiles are grafted into the promises of Israel, and we are given authority as those seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus.

  2. Jesus is the perfect Lamb of God. He is the only one who has lived a sinless life. This is why His sacrifice was accepted by God. The one who never knew sin became sin for us. The sinful acts of all humanity were placed upon Jesus and He payed the penalty for all sin (past, present, and future). The sacrifices of the Old Testament were never able to permanently atone for sin. They were all pointing to the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice, we have become His righteousness - gifted through faith in Him.

  3. The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s divine love for us. At the cross, we see the Father and Son perfectly unified in their love for humanity and each other. Through the cross, we have come to know that love is the greatest, most transformative power on earth. This love can now be fully experienced because the cross gives us access into relationship with God. The cross is the provision for us to confidently and continually draw near to God.

  4. The power of sin has been broken by the cross. With the new covenant instituted by the cross, we are no longer under the law, but under grace. Grace is not only the unmerited pardon of God in regards to sin, but it is also the power of God that leads to victory over sin and darkness! This new life is received by faith alone. His death set us free from sin and His resurrection gives us the power to live holy and righteous before Him.

  5. The cross begins with death but ends in resurrection power! Death must precede life. In order to follow Jesus, we must die to ourselves and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The only way to walk in His resurrection power is when His life is given full liberty to reign in us! We can imitate the life and works of Jesus Christ because of the finished work of the cross. Our confidence is found in Gal. 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

My Prayer for You

Father, I thank you for the cross. I thank you that the power of sin was broken on the cross so that we can fully be in relationship with You. I pray that you reveal to each person who reads this what the cross has truly done for them. We love you Lord. Amen

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